Message from the founder
Lying is for cowards
You want to be liked? work for it! You want to win in life, work for it! You want to be praised and called brilliant? Then actually become brilliant!
It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is legitimate these days. Most YouTubers have purchased views, likes and comments. Almost every YouTuber or social media influencer is involved in this level of fraud. And yet, these are the first people to accuse others of being a scam. Business owners must be careful not to be seduced by their numbers. They say numbers don’t lie, but they do, actually, numbers lie all the time. Business owners defraud shareholders all the time by falsifying numbers. YouTubers claim to have millions of REAL views and Real comments, only to find out they lied, and it was all purchased.
Businesses have been misled by social media influencers who claimed to have millions of “REAL” subscribers and Hundreds of thousands of “REAL” views and Thousands of “REAL” comments.
Businesses pay such fraudulent influencers and fraudulent YouTubers to promote their products thinking the video will reach millions of REAL people and increase their sales. But how will marketing with a fraudulent youtuber who has fake likes, fake views, and fake comments increase your brand awareness and bring your business new legitimate customers? Forbes and The New York Times wrote an article about his very issue some years back!
This is the world we live in. Everyone is lying and pretending. Fraud is high. Everyone wants instant validation. Instant success without working for it. Everyone is eager to one up someone they are secretly jealous of. People want glory they haven’t worked for. They want honors heaped upon them that they know deep down they don’t deserve. They want the success that others have worked for but without working for it.
Here is what I can promise you. As the founder and CEO of The Stephanie Michaels Software Company.
- I’m not a desperate person. Never have been. I have no investors breathing down my neck. I took no loans from a bank to start my businesses. So I have no huge debt that I’m desperate to rush to pay back. My company is self-funded. I pay all the bills here. I own all the shares. I don’t have to kiss anyone’s ass. I have very high self-esteem. So the good news for you is that I won’t rush to pay people to use my products so that we can seem more successful than we actually are.
- Our official YOUTUBE channel has the comments section disabled to avoid negative comments from jealous competitors. (you know who you are) We don’t tolerate bot communications. We don’t allow sex bots to post on our comments section. We don’t allow any fake comments. I dont have to pay for fake praise, I already know I’m great!
- The LIKES on our Official YOUTUBE channel is set to not be visible. Again, the level of jealousy is very high these days and negativity has increased. There are those that compete for likes. We don’t participate in the low self-esteem of others. I don’t feel a burning desire to pay for likes just so we can seem liked by everyone. I’m not entering a competition for “most likes” any time soon. That level of deceptive behavior is beneath me.
This is my philosophy. Every Subscriber we have is a real person who uses our products. Every comment we get is from a real human being who genuinely wanted to comment something positive. Not from one person who created 18 different accounts to argue with themselves and win arguments against themselves or used all 18 accounts to post positive comments about themselves praising themselves after stealing someone else’s idea. 🤥🤥🤥
If someone likes us, that’s great. Let it be a genuine like. 1 genuine person has more value to me than a million fake ones.
lets have some fun! Have a great day!
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