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HOW TO: Improve Import Speed In Univah?

The Chief Feature of UnivahPro, is its ability to render very large-scale scenes, up to entire planets, all in real time. However, before you can render in Univah, you first have to import your scene.

Importing your 3D Scenes into Univah, can happen quickly, take a very long time or crash all together, depending on the power of your computer and how you have prepared the 3D model prior to importing to Univah.

Optimizing Your Scene
Here are some very useful tips for Optimizing very large 3D scenes before importing into Univah.

  • LOWER POLIGON COUNT: In your modeling software of choice, when building your 3D models, use the lowest polygon count possible. Univah can handle billions of Polygons, however, to make life easier, use smart modeling techniques, such as low polygons on objects far away which will not be rendered close to the camera and high polygon count only on the areas of your scene where majority of the action takes place.
  • PBR TEXTURES & SIZE: Use Physically Based Textures, especially Normal Maps, to add detail to your models without adding more geometry. Instead of using very large 4k, 8k or 16k textures on the entire 3D scene, consider using smaller texture sizes (1080p or 1k) on objects that will not be rendered up close to the camera. Only apply high resolution textures to the areas of your scene which will be rendered up close.
  • DIVIDE INTO SMALLER PARTS: Rather than trying to upload a very large scene all at once into Univah, consider breaking down the scene or dividing the large scene into smaller blocks or sections, then uploading those sections one at a time into Univah.
  • REMOVE UNNEEDED GEOMETRY: As a rule of thumb, when working in any 3D software, remove, delete or hide whatever will not be viewed by the camera. Univah does this for you automatically when your models are imported. However, to improve import speeds, if you modeled a 3D house, and only the exterior of the house will be seen, then there is no need to have added fine details like carpets, lights, bowls, furniture or high resolution textures to parts of the house which will not be seen by the camera. Delete whatever will not be rendered from the 3D model before importing it into Univah, this greatly improves the speed at which your models will import as well as the real time performance while working with the model in Univah.